
GMimeMultpartEncrypted — Encrypted MIME multiparts


GMimeMultipartEncrypted* g_mime_multipart_encrypted_new (void);
int                 g_mime_multipart_encrypted_encrypt  (GMimeMultipartEncrypted *mpe,
                                                         GMimeObject *content,
                                                         GMimeCipherContext *ctx,
                                                         gboolean sign,
                                                         const char *userid,
                                                         GPtrArray *recipients,
                                                         GError **err);
GMimeObject*        g_mime_multipart_encrypted_decrypt  (GMimeMultipartEncrypted *mpe,
                                                         GMimeCipherContext *ctx,
                                                         GError **err);
const GMimeSignatureValidity* g_mime_multipart_encrypted_get_signature_validity
                                                        (GMimeMultipartEncrypted *mpe);

Object Hierarchy



A GMimeMultipartEncrypted part is a special subclass of GMimeMultipart to make it easier to manipulate the multipart/encrypted MIME type.



typedef struct _GMimeMultipartEncrypted GMimeMultipartEncrypted;

A multipart/encrypted MIME part.

g_mime_multipart_encrypted_new ()

GMimeMultipartEncrypted* g_mime_multipart_encrypted_new (void);

Creates a new MIME multipart/encrypted object.

Returns :

an empty MIME multipart/encrypted object.

g_mime_multipart_encrypted_encrypt ()

int                 g_mime_multipart_encrypted_encrypt  (GMimeMultipartEncrypted *mpe,
                                                         GMimeObject *content,
                                                         GMimeCipherContext *ctx,
                                                         gboolean sign,
                                                         const char *userid,
                                                         GPtrArray *recipients,
                                                         GError **err);

Attempts to encrypt (and conditionally sign) the content MIME part to the public keys of recipients using the ctx encryption context. If successful, the encrypted GMimeObject is set as the encrypted part of the multipart/encrypted object mpe.

mpe :

multipart/encrypted object

content :

MIME part to encrypt

ctx :

encryption cipher context

sign :

TRUE if the content should also be signed or FALSE otherwise

userid :

user id to use for signing (only used if sign is TRUE)

recipients :

an array of recipients to encrypt to

err :

a GError

Returns :

0 on success or -1 on fail. If the encryption fails, an exception will be set on err to provide information as to why the failure occured.

g_mime_multipart_encrypted_decrypt ()

GMimeObject*        g_mime_multipart_encrypted_decrypt  (GMimeMultipartEncrypted *mpe,
                                                         GMimeCipherContext *ctx,
                                                         GError **err);

Attempts to decrypt the encrypted MIME part contained within the multipart/encrypted object mpe using the ctx decryption context.

If validity is non-NULL, then on a successful decrypt operation, it will be updated to point to a newly-allocated GMimeSignatureValidity with signature status information.

mpe :

multipart/encrypted object

ctx :

decryption cipher context

err :

a GError

Returns :

the decrypted MIME part on success or NULL on fail. If the decryption fails, an exception will be set on err to provide information as to why the failure occured.

g_mime_multipart_encrypted_get_signature_validity ()

const GMimeSignatureValidity* g_mime_multipart_encrypted_get_signature_validity
                                                        (GMimeMultipartEncrypted *mpe);

Gets the signature validity of the encrypted MIME part.

Note: This is only useful after calling g_mime_multipart_encrypted_decrypt().

See Also
