
Filters can perform a similar function, but instead of automatically moving mail based on the account it's coming from, they do it based on its content.

To set a filter, use the Settings->Filters menu.

Figure 2. Setting a Filter

Clicking on the New button pops up a window prompting you for the name of the filter. Type it in, then click on OK. The name of the new filter should be highlighted in the Filter pane on the right. Now on the left fill in the search behaviors you're interested in. Text takes the text you want to search for in the incoming mail, the In pull-down menu tells Spruce where in the message to look for it. Type allows you to user either normal text-matching, regular expressions or shell wildcards. The Move to mailbox: pull-down menu is used to select one of your mailboxes to send it to. You can also use Forward to: to automatically forward filtered messages to another email address.