
GMimeMultpartSigned — Signed MIME multiparts


GMimeMultipartSigned* g_mime_multipart_signed_new       (void);
int                 g_mime_multipart_signed_sign        (GMimeMultipartSigned *mps,
                                                         GMimeObject *content,
                                                         GMimeCipherContext *ctx,
                                                         const char *userid,
                                                         GMimeCipherHash hash,
                                                         GError **err);
GMimeSignatureValidity* g_mime_multipart_signed_verify  (GMimeMultipartSigned *mps,
                                                         GMimeCipherContext *ctx,
                                                         GError **err);

Object Hierarchy



A GMimeMultipartSigned part is a special subclass of GMimeMultipart to make it easier to manipulate the multipart/signed MIME type.



typedef struct _GMimeMultipartSigned GMimeMultipartSigned;

A multipart/signed MIME part.

g_mime_multipart_signed_new ()

GMimeMultipartSigned* g_mime_multipart_signed_new       (void);

Creates a new MIME multipart/signed object.

Returns :

an empty MIME multipart/signed object.

g_mime_multipart_signed_sign ()

int                 g_mime_multipart_signed_sign        (GMimeMultipartSigned *mps,
                                                         GMimeObject *content,
                                                         GMimeCipherContext *ctx,
                                                         const char *userid,
                                                         GMimeCipherHash hash,
                                                         GError **err);

Attempts to sign the content MIME part with userid's private key using the ctx signing context with the hash algorithm. If successful, the signed GMimeObject is set as the signed part of the multipart/signed object mps.

mps :

multipart/signed object

content :

MIME part to sign

ctx :

encryption cipher context

userid :

user id to sign with

hash :

preferred digest algorithm

err :


Returns :

0 on success or -1 on fail. If the signing fails, an exception will be set on err to provide information as to why the failure occured.

g_mime_multipart_signed_verify ()

GMimeSignatureValidity* g_mime_multipart_signed_verify  (GMimeMultipartSigned *mps,
                                                         GMimeCipherContext *ctx,
                                                         GError **err);

Attempts to verify the signed MIME part contained within the multipart/signed object mps using the ctx cipher context.

mps :

multipart/signed object

ctx :

encryption cipher context

err :


Returns :

a new GMimeSignatureValidity object on success or NULL on fail. If the signing fails, an exception will be set on err to provide information as to why the failure occured.

See Also
