
GMimeStream — Abstract stream class


enum                GMimeSeekWhence;
void                g_mime_stream_construct             (GMimeStream *stream,
                                                         gint64 start,
                                                         gint64 end);
ssize_t             g_mime_stream_read                  (GMimeStream *stream,
                                                         char *buf,
                                                         size_t len);
ssize_t             g_mime_stream_write                 (GMimeStream *stream,
                                                         const char *buf,
                                                         size_t len);
int                 g_mime_stream_flush                 (GMimeStream *stream);
gint64              g_mime_stream_seek                  (GMimeStream *stream,
                                                         gint64 offset,
                                                         GMimeSeekWhence whence);
gint64              g_mime_stream_tell                  (GMimeStream *stream);
int                 g_mime_stream_reset                 (GMimeStream *stream);
gboolean            g_mime_stream_eos                   (GMimeStream *stream);
int                 g_mime_stream_close                 (GMimeStream *stream);
ssize_t             g_mime_stream_length                (GMimeStream *stream);
GMimeStream*        g_mime_stream_substream             (GMimeStream *stream,
                                                         gint64 start,
                                                         gint64 end);
void                g_mime_stream_set_bounds            (GMimeStream *stream,
                                                         gint64 start,
                                                         gint64 end);
ssize_t             g_mime_stream_write_string          (GMimeStream *stream,
                                                         const char *str);
ssize_t             g_mime_stream_printf                (GMimeStream *stream,
                                                         const char *fmt,
ssize_t             g_mime_stream_write_to_stream       (GMimeStream *src,
                                                         GMimeStream *dest);
ssize_t             g_mime_stream_writev                (GMimeStream *stream,
                                                         GMimeStreamIOVector *vector,
                                                         size_t count);

Object Hierarchy



Streams are the fundamental method for reading and writing data used by GMime. You'll probably notice that the basic API is similar to that of the low-level Unix I/O layer (read(), write(), lseek(), etc) with some additional nicities such as a printf-like function.


enum GMimeSeekWhence

typedef enum {
} GMimeSeekWhence;

Relative seek position.


Seek relative to the beginning of the stream.


Seek relative to the current position in the stream.


Seek relative to the end of the stream.


typedef struct {
	void *data;
	size_t len;
} GMimeStreamIOVector;

An I/O vector for use with g_mime_stream_writev().

void *data;

data to pass to the I/O function.

size_t len;

length of the data, in bytes.


typedef struct _GMimeStream GMimeStream;

Abstract I/O stream class.

g_mime_stream_construct ()

void                g_mime_stream_construct             (GMimeStream *stream,
                                                         gint64 start,
                                                         gint64 end);

Initializes a new stream with bounds start and end.

stream :

a GMimeStream

start :

start boundary

end :

end boundary

g_mime_stream_read ()

ssize_t             g_mime_stream_read                  (GMimeStream *stream,
                                                         char *buf,
                                                         size_t len);

Attempts to read up to len bytes from stream into buf.

stream :

a GMimeStream

buf :


len :

buffer length

Returns :

the number of bytes read or -1 on fail.

g_mime_stream_write ()

ssize_t             g_mime_stream_write                 (GMimeStream *stream,
                                                         const char *buf,
                                                         size_t len);

Attempts to write up to len bytes of buf to stream.

stream :

a GMimeStream

buf :


len :

buffer length

Returns :

the number of bytes written or -1 on fail.

g_mime_stream_flush ()

int                 g_mime_stream_flush                 (GMimeStream *stream);

Sync's the stream to disk.

stream :

a GMimeStream

Returns :

0 on success or -1 on fail.

g_mime_stream_seek ()

gint64              g_mime_stream_seek                  (GMimeStream *stream,
                                                         gint64 offset,
                                                         GMimeSeekWhence whence);

Repositions the offset of the stream stream to the argument offset according to the directive whence as follows:

"" Seek offset bytes relative to the beginning (bound_start) of the stream.

"" Seek offset bytes relative to the current offset of the stream.

"" Seek offset bytes relative to the end of the stream (bound_end if non-negative).

stream :

a GMimeStream

offset :

positional offset

whence :

seek directive

Returns :

the resultant position on success or -1 on fail.

g_mime_stream_tell ()

gint64              g_mime_stream_tell                  (GMimeStream *stream);

Gets the current offset within the stream.

stream :

a GMimeStream

Returns :

the current position within the stream or -1 on fail.

g_mime_stream_reset ()

int                 g_mime_stream_reset                 (GMimeStream *stream);

Resets the stream.

stream :

a GMimeStream

Returns :

0 on success or -1 on fail.

g_mime_stream_eos ()

gboolean            g_mime_stream_eos                   (GMimeStream *stream);

Tests the end-of-stream indicator for stream.

stream :

a GMimeStream

Returns :

TRUE on EOS or FALSE otherwise.

g_mime_stream_close ()

int                 g_mime_stream_close                 (GMimeStream *stream);

Closes the stream.

stream :

a GMimeStream

Returns :

0 on success or -1 on fail.

g_mime_stream_length ()

ssize_t             g_mime_stream_length                (GMimeStream *stream);

Gets the length of the stream.

stream :

a GMimeStream

Returns :

the length of the stream or -1 if unknown.

g_mime_stream_substream ()

GMimeStream*        g_mime_stream_substream             (GMimeStream *stream,
                                                         gint64 start,
                                                         gint64 end);

Creates a new substream of stream with bounds start and end.

stream :

a GMimeStream

start :

start boundary

end :

end boundary

Returns :

a substream of stream with bounds start and end.

g_mime_stream_set_bounds ()

void                g_mime_stream_set_bounds            (GMimeStream *stream,
                                                         gint64 start,
                                                         gint64 end);

Set the bounds on a stream.

stream :

a GMimeStream

start :

start boundary

end :

end boundary

g_mime_stream_write_string ()

ssize_t             g_mime_stream_write_string          (GMimeStream *stream,
                                                         const char *str);

Writes string to stream.

stream :

a GMimeStream

str :

string to write

Returns :

the number of bytes written or -1 on fail.

g_mime_stream_printf ()

ssize_t             g_mime_stream_printf                (GMimeStream *stream,
                                                         const char *fmt,

Write formatted output to a stream.

stream :

a GMimeStream

fmt :


... :


Returns :

the number of bytes written or -1 on fail.

g_mime_stream_write_to_stream ()

ssize_t             g_mime_stream_write_to_stream       (GMimeStream *src,
                                                         GMimeStream *dest);

Attempts to write the source stream to the destination stream.

src :

source stream

dest :

destination stream

Returns :

the number of bytes written or -1 on fail.

g_mime_stream_writev ()

ssize_t             g_mime_stream_writev                (GMimeStream *stream,
                                                         GMimeStreamIOVector *vector,
                                                         size_t count);

Writes at most count blocks described by vector to stream.

stream :

a GMimeStream

vector :

a GMimeStreamIOVector

count :

number of vector elements

Returns :

the number of bytes written or -1 on fail.